TodoHabit APK

TodoHabit APK 1.0 Baixar para Android 2025

App By:
1.0 para Android
Atualizado em:
nov 06, 2024
4 MB
Android obrigatório:
Android 5.0+

TodoHabit APK is a habit planning software that provides you with a variety of useful life services. The plan allows you to plan your activities directly on it, and then focus on completing some challenges so that you can complete your schedule according to the plan each day and complete your own tasks as planned.

About TodoHabit APK

TodoHabit APK is a self-discipline habit completion application. When do you usually eat? Are you able to rest on time? Is this a habit you have developed? Would you like to develop good habits around eating, working, and resting easily? Make it easier for you to develop good habits. By persisting day by day and reaching each goal, you will one day realize your transformation and meet a better version of yourself.


  • The features of the app exclude complex features and only include simple features.
  • When you drag the todo list left or right, the TodoList delete function is thrown.
  • A goal habit can be recorded up to three times with Habit Checker.
  • Memos in Chapter 1 can be shared with simple memos and saved via SMS.

A study conducted by the London University Philippa Lallu Dr. team focused on the type of human habituation that occurs over 66 days of repeated repetition of habits. When 21 days become a habit, they become 66 days. When someone practices what he thinks he wants to do, he is a bad person.

How long will it take for something I want to do to become a habit? Would you be interested in it? Once it becomes habitual, it automatically forces me to move without thinking. A habit can easily be formed if even the smallest things are done consistently. It is difficult to establish a habit, but once a habit is established, it is not that big of a deal. You can make a good habit by practicing it for 66 days!

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