Termux APK

Termux APK 0.119.1 Ściągnij dla Android 2025

0.119.1 dla Android
lut 01, 2024
107 MB
Wymagany Android:
Android 5.0+

Termux APK is a free and open-source Android app that simulates the command line shell used in Linux, so you can run all the usual commands from there. You can work with bash and zsh shells, code in C, or use Python consoles.

There are several improvements over the classic Android Terminal Emulator. This includes an extensive library of Linux packages that can be installed from the terminal as well as keyboard shortcuts that can be combined with the device's physical volume and shutdown buttons. Additionally, you can connect an external keyboard via Bluetooth or via USB to the device.

Termux has the capability to manage packages as if you were in front of the terminal of a desktop machine, so it is suitable for working with NodeJS, Ruby, or Python or connecting via SSH. A clean Linux terminal can be accessed on an Android device thanks to this.

About Termux APK

Termux APK is a powerful terminal emulator for Android that allows users to access a command-line interface on their devices. This APK offers a wide range of features and functionalities that make it a popular choice for developers and users who need to perform complex tasks on their devices.

An extensive collection of Linux packages is combined with powerful terminal emulation in Termux.

  • The bash and zsh shells are great.
  • You can manage files with nnn and edit them with nano, vim, or emacs.
  • SSH access to servers.
  • Developed in C with clang, make and GDB.
  • You can use the Python console as a pocket calculator.
  • Git is a great way to check out projects.
  • With Frotz, you can run text-based games.

First, a small base system is downloaded - desired packages can then be installed using the apt package manager. You can access the built-in help by long-pressing anywhere on the terminal and selecting the Help menu option.


Command-Line Interface

Termux APK provides a command-line interface that allows users to execute various commands using text input. This interface allows users to automate tasks, manipulate files, and perform advanced operations without graphical interfaces.

System Utilities

Termux APK includes a wide range of system utilities that allow users to perform administrative tasks on their Android devices. These utilities include commands to install and uninstall applications, manage files, and view system information.

Package Manager

Termux APK has a built-in package manager that allows users to install and update packages from the command line. This makes it convenient for users to manage and install applications without external app stores.

SSH and SSH Tunneling

Termux APK supports SSH and SSH tunneling, allowing users to securely connect to other servers and perform remote operations. This functionality is particularly useful for developers who need to access their servers remotely or for users who need to secure their network traffic.

Python Programming

Termux APK includes Python programming language support, allowing users to write scripts and execute them within the terminal. This opens up a wide range of possibilities for developers, as they can use the power of Python to build custom tools and applications.

Productivity Tools

Termux APK provides a range of productivity tools that allows users to work more efficiently within the terminal. These tools include tab completion, syntax highlighting, and the ability to copy and paste text between the terminal and other applications.


Termux APK is a powerful terminal emulator for Android. It offers a range of features and functionalities that make it a valuable tool for developers and users alike. With its command-line interface, system utilities, package manager, SSH support, Python programming support, and productivity tools, Termux APK provides users with a flexible and efficient way to perform complex tasks on their Android devices. Whether you are a programmer, a system administrator, or simply a tech-savvy individual, Termux APK is a tool worth considering.

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