Zuhause » Applibrary APK V1.0 1.0 Herunterladen für Android 2024

Applibrary APK V1.0 1.0 Herunterladen für Android 2024 für Android kostenloser Download

Aktualisiert am: Mrz 04, 2023

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The description of Applibrary APK V1.0 1.0 Herunterladen für Android 2024

Applibrary APK - Applibrary is a feature introduced in iOS 14 that lets the user search and find apps based on categories.

The Applibrary shows your apps grouped by categories like Creativity, Social, and Entertainment. Apps you use the most are near the top of the screen and at the top of their categories, so they are easy to find.


To access the Applibrary, swipe left past the last page of the home screen. The apps in each category are arranged based on their frequency of use. Search for an app using the search field. You can share or delete an app icon by holding it down.

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